Speak the truth. It makes them crazy because they are guilty. That is why they attack people when they speak out. They are arrogant and conceited.



The United States Militia is a community of patriots, true believers in a good and free America. We believe in traditional values of faith, family and work, and in an absolute right to self preservation. We believe in self government, in limited government, and in honoring and maintaining the republic as it was designed more than 200 years ago. We believe that the freedoms passed down through 400 years of American history, often purchased at great cost, must be protected. We believe it vital that American history be returned to the classroom and to the culture. America is in the midst of a global struggle that necessitates engagement, not only militarily, but economically. Domestically, the struggle deepens and necessitates lawful engagement politically, socially and spiritually. We meet with common goals of a free and prosperous America. Every color, every culture, one country. For contact information: www.unitedstatesmilitia.com


  Join a Militia:

  By joining a militia and stocking needed supplies, we will present a show of manpower and unity.  We show we mean business. We need not perform any acts against the government. Simply being prepared is enough. Staying legal and non-violent will help our cause. In fact, be helpful. Under the FBI, ACLU, National Guard pages, and other statements you will soon see "militias" are not needed nor will ever be called upon for anything by the government. They deny you that right. In fact, we are thought of as a possible threat and kooks. We must change that image. Look at story under "militia is feared" and "domestic terrorist" page. They makes the people out to be idiots and extreme nut cases. ( Another division. See how it works? )

  Join a Militia. Organize. Stockpile. Train. Recruit. Get Involved. Use common sense and law against them. It agitates them!



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