By using the quotes of founding fathers along with common business practice, it is easy to come up with new rules for the politicians. This must be done. Government spending money and making many new laws seem to be two key issues. Also the way they keep the same people in control by moving them around from job to job. There are so many things for examples it boggles the mind how to relay all of them.


Nothing so strongly impels a man to regard the interest of his constituents, as the certainty of returning to the general mass of the people, from whence he was taken, where he must participate in their burdens.

George Mason, speech in the Virginia Ratifying Convention, June 14, 1778



It will be of little avail to the people, that the laws are made by men of their own choice, if the laws be so voluminous that they cannot be read, or so incoherent that they cannot be understood; if they be repealed or revised before they are promulgated, or undergo such incessant changes that no man, who knows what the law is to-day, can guess what it will be to-morrow.
-= Federalist No. 62, 1788 =-Alexander Hamilton


Providence has given to our people the choice of their rulers and it is the duty as well as the privilege and interest of our Christian Nation to select and prefer Christians for their rulers.

John Jay


  Editor's comment:

  The politicians have put themselves above the law. So they think. It is past time for We The People to put even more limits on government than the U.S. and state constitutions call for and bring them to justice. They will not police themselves. They become worse every year. Please feel free to send comments and ideas.

  It appears the politicians at all levels work very much like the old mafia. Special favors, backroom deals, law breaking, immorality, propaganda, sealed documents, spying, and even threats. It is a sad day for freedom when so many have lost their way. Travel expenses would be a good place to hide skimming money or other money crimes and issues.


  Perhaps the best new idea are some original old ideas? Many quotes can be found on every issue of today!


Energy in the executive ( These are the kids they put on prozac and label ADHD. If you speak out your ODD and put on a pill.) is a leading character in the definition of good government. It is essential to the protection of the community against foreign attacks; it is not less essential to the steady administration of the laws; to the protection of property against those irregular and high-handed combinations which sometimes interrupt the ordinary course of justice; to the security of liberty against the enterprises and assaults of ambition, of faction, and of anarchy.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 69, March 14, 1788


As to Taxes, they are evidently inseparable from Government. It is impossible without them to pay the debts of the nation, to protect it from foreign danger, or to secure individuals from lawless violence and rapine.

Alexander Hamilton, Address to the Electors of the State of New York, March, 1801


As on the one hand, the necessity for borrowing in particular emergencies cannot be doubted, so on the other, it is equally evident that to be able to borrow upon good terms, it is essential that the credit of a nation should be well established.

Alexander Hamilton, Report on Public Credit, January 9, 1790


A feeble executive implies a feeble execution of the government. A feeble execution is but another phrase for a bad execution; and a government ill executed, whatever may be its theory, must be, in practice, a bad government.

Alexander Hamilton, Federalist No. 70, 1788


The multiplication of public offices, increase of expense beyond income, growth and entailment of a public debt, are indications soliciting the employment of the pruning knife.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Spencer Roane, March 9, 1821


The principle of spending money to be paid by posterity, under the name of funding, is but swindling futurity on a large scale.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to John Taylor, May 28, 1816


Were we directed from Washington when to sow, and when to reap, we should soon want bread. Thomas Jefferson, Autobiography, 1821


Would it not be better to simplify the system of taxation rather than to spread it over such a variety of subjects and pass through so many new hands.

Thomas Jefferson, 1784


[A] rigid economy of the public contributions and absolute interdiction of all useless expenses will go far towards keeping the government honest and unoppressive.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Marquis de Lafayette, November 4, 1823


The same prudence which in private life would forbid our paying our own money for unexplained projects, forbids it in the dispensation of the public moneys.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Shelton Gilliam, June 19, 1808


The truth is that the want of common education with us is not from our poverty, but from the want of an orderly system. More money is now paid for the education of a part than would be paid for that of the whole if systematically arranged.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Cabell, November 28, 1820


They are not to do anything they please to provide for the general welfare, but only to lay taxes for that purpose. To consider the latter phrase not as describing the purpose of the first, but as giving a distinct and independent power to do any act they please which may be good for the Union, would render all the preceding and subsequent enumerations of power completely useless. It would reduce the whole instrument to a single phrase, that of instituting a Congress with power to do whatever would be for the good of the United States; and as they sole judges of the good or evil, it would be also a power to do whatever evil they please...Certainly no such universal power was meant to be given them. It was intended to lace them up straightly within the enumerated powers and those without which, as means, these powers could not be carried into effect.

Thomas Jefferson, Opinion on National Bank, 1791


To give to every citizen the information he needs for the transaction of his own business; To enable him to calculate for himself, and to express and preserve his ideas, his contracts and accounts, in writing; To improve, by reading, his morals and faculties; To understand his duties to his neighbors and country, and to discharge with competence the functions confided to him by either; To know his rights; to exercise with order and justice those he retains; to choose with discretion the fiduciary of those he delegates; and to notice their conduct with diligence, with candor, and judgment; And, in general, to observe with intelligence and faithfulness all the social relations under which he shall be placed.

Thomas Jefferson, Report of the Commissioners for the University of Virginia, August 4, 1818


To take from one, because it is thought his own industry and that of his fathers has acquired too much, in order to spare to others, who, or whose fathers, have not exercised equal industry and skill, is to violate arbitrarily the first principle of association, the guarantee to everyone the free exercise of his industry and the fruits acquired by it.

Thomas Jefferson, letter to Joseph Milligan, April 6, 1816


But with respect to future debt; would it not be wise and just for that nation to declare in the constitution they are forming that neither the legislature, nor the nation itself can validly contract more debt, than they may pay within their own age, or within the term of 19 years.

Thomas Jefferson, September 6, 1789


Below are just a few ideas. 

Money Issues:

Wages: Wages and health insurance are to be set according to their civilian counterparts. 

Budget: A zero sum balance is to be used. Credit is for special purposes only.

Taxes: Taxes will have to be recalculated after a new budget is determined. Perhaps the people can get the 5th grade to help us. I vote for a flat tax for the feds and sales tax for the state. Thats it. No refunds or deductions for big business.

Cost Cutting: Our past and present "leaders" have put America in a bad way. They chased off all the jobs and still spend money. America is deep in debt. To who?

We The People can no longer maintain the same level of spending as in past years. The politician has painted themselves into a corner. They have no way out. They made laws and deals they cannot aford. Many programs and offices will have to be done away with.

  No more "company-country credit cards or vehicles for many employees. Those that have them leave them at work. They are to be used for work only. Travel is by commercial coach. Any complaints and it will be by Greyhound.

  No more using work time to campaign for re-election. No using government resources for election purposes.

  Campaign "donations" need to be addressed. It looks like a money laundromat or bribe factory. It looks very suspicious when millions of dollars start zooming around. Like the pea under the shell scam. It completely stops the average person from being able to run against these people.

  By putting these people back in with the people, it will make them behave.

Management Issues:

  We The People need to use the same methods of employment as the private sector.

  Background checks, drug tests, credit checks, release of all private information, psychological profile, et cetera. No alcohol, cigarettes, or weapons at work.

  Minimum education and experience just like the private sector.

  Forty hours work for forty hours pay. Pay equal to civilian counterparts.

  Travel to other countries will be done by that country's Ambassador. When they do travel they need to stay at the embassy. We can fix these up and they are already guarded by military. No more Hilton hotel crap.

  Technology will be used to cut down on travel and to document all functions performed by employees. No more secret meetings. Document all meetings on dvd for future reference  Use video teleconferencing. CSPAN 1 and 2. can be used to monitor government meetings. Similar programs for state and local levels.

  One bill, one law, one vote, one debate. If it needs amended, it needs rewritten. Amendments are for old laws. Not laws in process of being made! Laws do not need to be hundreds or thousands of pages long. Bills must be read by all. All must sign off saying they read them. They must perform on demand. (Explian what is in a bill if asked.)

Ethical Issues:

  When We The People have to confront employees about ethics and management issues, it is time for a new employee-politician.

  We the people need a system by which we can fire employees as needed without waiting to "possibly" vote them out. I suspect the voting system may be rigged somehow.

  One family member at a time is allowed in any government job or office. When fired from one position, you are not reassigned to another. You go to the unemployment line!

  Any employee that quits to try and get a different position will be banned from any position or office for five years. They must complete their term of office in order to run for a different office.

  Only American born and American educated people shall be allowed any position in any government job. Yes, proof is required!

  They follow the same laws as the people. Such as concealed carry laws. They do not need the security forces they have now. They get a minimum wage security guard like we do. They can empty their pockets and stand in line at the airport like we do.

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