Go to the FBI website and type Militia in the search bar. Pages of stories come up. None are good. 




Write your own letter or use this document to make your point!
Copy and paste this letter into your word processor then send It to:


Office of Governor Jay Nixon
P.O. Box 720 Jefferson City, MO 65102 (573) 751-3222


March 17, 2009

Dear Friends of Liberty,
Maybe you've heard, or maybe not, but the Missouri State Police think you might be a security threat. Why?  Because you support Ron Paul and the Campaign for Liberty.  Also, because maybe you own guns, oppose abortion or home school. Even, and I'm serious, because you support the U.S. Constitution. I know, it's ridiculous...and probably steams you a bit. But here at Campaign for Liberty we are going to give this foolishness the treatment it deserves.  More on that in a moment.  Let me give you a bit more background. As you may be aware by now, the Missouri Information Analysis Center (MIAC) recently released a report titled, "The Modern Militia Movement" to over one thousand Missouri law enforcement officers.
What is the Missouri Information Analysis Center?  According to its website,

"MIAC is the mechanism to collect incident reports of suspicious activities to be evaluated and analyzed in an effort to identify potential trends or patterns of terrorist or criminal operations within the state of Missouri.  MIAC will also function as a vehicle for two-way communication between federal, state and local law enforcement community within our region."
The MIAC warned officers that violent militia members are "usually" supporters of presidential candidates like Ron Paul and are also known for opposition to things like the Federal Reserve and the income tax. The "study" was undoubtedly written by some university liberal who knows nothing of the hundreds of thousands of Missourians who share our values.  I can only imagine how many hundreds of thousands of Missouri tax dollars funded this. Both Ron Paul and Campaign for Liberty champion principles of freedom, peace, and prosperity.  We believe that the Founder's vision for America can be reclaimed through education and peaceful activism.  It is a common practice of elitist intellectuals and backroom bureaucrats to attempt to crowd everyone into groups and stick labels on them, especially when it involves those who support a Constitutionally-limited government. Anthony Gregory, editor-in-chief at Campaign for Liberty, has posted an excellent new article on our site concerning government broad-brush fear campaigns. It is important that we respond in the right way when faced with such a government labeling, and the proper way is to go straight to the top in Missouri. The way to fight thugs and ignorant people in authority is not to cower or rage, but to proudly proclaim who you are and what you believe. That's why I urge you to sign our Citizen's Petition here today. Our petition spells out in no uncertain terms who we are and what we believe.  And it reminds those in charge of enforcing Missouri's laws that we are citizen activists who will not be intimidated nor embarrassed into silence. Simply owning a gun does not make you a threat.  It means you are a free citizen. Supporting our Constitution does not make you worthy of a watch list, it makes you a Patriot. So please, sign our Citizen's Petition today.  Be sure to stay tuned for more information on how we plan to respond to the MIAC. Finally, I want to ask you a final favor.  If you can, please join us next week as we gather in St. Louis for the first Campaign for Liberty Regional Conference and show the people of Missouri what Campaign for Liberty truly stands for and represents.
We will be hosting a free event on Friday Night with Ron Paul and Judge Andrew Napolitano that is open to the public, and the conference will be highlighted by grassroots training on Saturday, March 28. Learning how to properly mobilize in order to implement liberty-based legislation is absolutely critical to our success as a movement, and our Regional Conference will provide you with the tools you need as we move forward.

For more information on our Conference, check out our Regional Conference page.  For special travel and hotel information, click here.
Liberty is never free, and demands vigilance.
I look forward to seeing you in St. Louis for an exciting weekend of celebration and training!
In Liberty,

John Tate
President, Campaign for Liberty

P.S. And don't forget to fill out our Citizen's Petition, which we will deliver to the Missouri Governor and Attorney General.




(Photo from SPLC's website)


Watchdog warns of far-right militia resurgence


The same week a man with ties to a far-right anti-government group showed up with a gun strapped to his thigh at a New Hampshire town hall meeting where President Obama was speaking on health reform, a watchdog organization released a report documenting a surge among right-wing militias motivated in part by the election of an African-American president.

"The Second Wave: Return of the Militias" was released Wednesday by the Southern Poverty Law Center, a group based in Montgomery, Ala. that monitors hate activity nationwide. It found that almost a decade after largely fading from view, far-right militias are re-appearing in worrisome numbers.

"This is the most significant growth we've seen in 10 to 12 years," according to one unnamed law enforcement authority quoted in SPLC's report. "All it's lacking is a spark."

The day before the report's release, William Kostric showed up with a gun outside the New Hampshire meeting carrying a sign that read, "It is time to water the tree of liberty," a reference to Thomas Jefferson's quote that the "tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of patriots and tyrants" -- the same quote that was on a T-shirt worn by far-right terrorist Timothy McVeigh on the day in 1995 he bombed the Murrah Federal Building in Oklahoma City, an attack that killed 168 people and injured another 680. Kostric's action, it should be noted, broke no laws.

The Arizona Republic reports that Kostric is a "team member" of the Arizona chapter of the We the People Foundation, a group whose website claims the U.S. Republic and Constitution are in danger and that questions the U.S. citizenship of President Obama. The group was founded by Robert Schulz, a prominent figure in the far-right tax protest movement.

In its report, SPLC offers examples of the far-right's resurgence, including a gathering of anti-government activists in Pensacola, Fla., where a retired FBI agent named Ted Gunderson told attendees that the federal government has set up 1,000 internment camps across the country and is storing 30,000 guillotines and a half-million caskets in Atlanta in preparation for a mass killing of dissenters. Gunderson has long promoted conspiracy theories involving widespread satanic ritual abuse of children by U.S. government agents.

SPLC's report also points to a so-called "American Grand Jury" that assembled outside Atlanta and issued an "indictment" of Obama for fraud and treason, alleging he wasn't born in the United States and thus is illegally occupying the White House. The claim that the president is not a U.S. citizen has been repeatedly debunked and dismissed in legitimate courts of law by judges considering lawsuits that sought to challenge his qualifications to serve as president.

But the idea that the president is foreign-born continues to be promoted by by prominent pundits and politicians. They include the 11 Republican House members co-sponsoring the so-called "birther bill"  (H.R. 1503) that in response to the controversy over Obama's birthplace would require future presidential candidates to submit a copy of their birth certificate to the Federal Election Commission. The bill's primary champion is Rep. Bill Posey (R-Fla.), and the co-sponsors are Reps. Marsha Blackburn (R-Tenn.), Dan Burton (R-Ind.), John Campbell (R-Calif.), Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.) and six Congressmen from Texas --  John R. Carter, John Culberson, Louie Gohmert, Kenny Marchant, Randy Neugebauer, and Ted Poe.

SPLC calls on all Americans -- and especially law enforcement officers -- to take seriously the potential dangers of the militant far-right's resurgence.

"This is equally true for the politicians, pundits and preachers who, through pandering or ignorance, abet the growth of a movement marked by a proven predilection for violence," it says.



Web Writer's comment:

  In a short time of web surfing I found many stories about militias and the fear they cause. We really need to find a way to correct this. However, I also found other people mentioned. John Birch, Constitution Party and others including single regualr citizens. Single citizens are called "the Lone Wolf" and the most dangerous because it is harder to find and track them! It looks like propaganda and lies by government. A few extreme cases used as examples against people trying to confront corruption. I think we can correct the government legally within the law using the FBI, National Guard, state and local resources, and other methods of non-violence.

  I know militia members. I are one. They are good people trying to prepare for the worse. Just like the government does. Just like they tell us to be prepared for natural and/or man-made disaster. They are buying millions of bullets. Why. Underground bunkers. Why? Much more. Why? Who or what do they fear? According to the military channel, the military is working on, and have, many robotic fighting machines. Guns without a mind. Remote controlled machines. Soon we will not know who the "controllers" are. Illegal aliens? Chinese? Insane politicians? The United Nations?


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